The XDC Network is an open-source, enterprise-grade, EVM-compatible Layer 1 network equipped with interoperable smart contracts. A highly optimized, bespoke fork of Ethereum, the XDC Network reaches consensus through a delegated proof-of-stake (XDPoS) mechanism, which allows for two-second transaction time, near zero gas fees, and over 2,000 transactions per second (TPS), and interoperability with ISO 20022 financial messaging standards.
The XDC Network aims to accelerate the expansion and development of Layer 2 projects across the XDC Ecosystem and to facilitate network adoption and real-world utility. These funds will help support new ventures and entities laser-focused on increasing network adoption among retail and institutional participants, jumpstarting on-chain activity and Total Value Locked (TVL), and supporting technological innovation.
In this hackathon, you’ll learn the capabilities of XDC and BUIDL the Future on the XDC Network. Expand your knowledge of blockchain, get a shot at some great prizes and grow your Project with the XDC Community. The XDC community wants to be part of your project - so share it on Twitter with #BuilditOnXDC and #XDC along with tagging @xdc_community.
Dev portal: https://docs.xdc.community/
Dev Tutorials & How-to Buidl on XDC: https://docs.xdc.community/learn/how-to-articles
Dev Tools: https://docs.xdc.community/tools
Dev Forum: https://www.xdc.dev/
Discord IDs for technical resources
- Walter Blueu#0589
- C'est La Vie#6769
- Lance L#7558
- CoinClubQuincy#8829
- Anilchinchawale#3556
- Web3 Wallet. Build the next generation non-custodial web 3 wallet to be the gateway for XDC Network dApps, DeFi and NFTs. Integrating the latest features such as:
- Support XDC, XRC20, XRC721, and XRC1155 digital assets
- Working with Metamask, Wallet Connect, etc.
- Cross chain asset management, interface to Defi dApp, support XNS services
- Web extensions, APIs, and/or mobile options
- Defi. This category will focus on decentralized finance tools, infrastructure, and enterprise use cases to increase network TVL and tools to support a robust DeFi ecosystem. Projects could include:
- A synthetic asset protocol to issue, trade, and manage various financial asset derivatives
- Payments / onramp, Lending protocols, yield farming, staking
- Dex aggregator, DeFi asset manager, Smart contract manager, Analytics, Insurance
- Open Ideas. Be creative with your submissions. Try to integrate real-world assets and envision what the future of Web3 will be. Project could include:
- Platforms focused on real world asset tokenization (financial or physical assets)
- Digital privacy, zero-knowledge proofs, decentralized governance, data transfer technology
- dApps utilizing Dynamic NFT, Soul bound Tokens, and ERC-4626 tokenized vault
- Decentralized social networks, metaverse, and immersive experiences
Each project team will need to provide the following deliverables at minimum to win:
- Project writeup / description
- Gitbook Repository (publicly available)
- A working MVP application (publicly available)
- Showcase video demonstration of application
- Business plan & product roadmap (required to be considered for phase 2 awards)
Awards ($50,000 USD Total):
- Awards are paid out in $XDC (*equivalent to $USD)
- Project submissions need to meet expected criteria to qualify for awards
The following rewards will be paid out for this hackathon based on the outlined themes:
- Web3 Wallet: First Place: $15,000 , Second Place: $5,000
- Defi: First Place: $15,000 , Second Place: $5,000
- Open: First Place: $10,000
A Phase 2 award is available to the most promising project(s):
- A chance to pitch and be awarded up to $100,000 USD for the project team(s) that exceed the judging criteria, and provides a robust, sustainable business plan and product roadmap.
Shortlist Criteria:
XDC judges will be evaluating projects based on the following criteria. Judges have the final say on projects that qualify for awards.
- Potential Impact: Does it fill a gap in the universe, and have the potential to be used frequently by a large, growing and diverse audience or market?
- Novelty/Creativity: Does it have unique and novel features or combine features of other products or services in a unique and novel way? Does it solve a new problem? Is it creative and puts a smile on people’s faces?
- Technical Accomplishment: Is the code elegant, clean, and technically interesting? Is the project complete?
- Design: How is the UX/UI/DX? Is it easy to use? If targeting developers, is the experience smooth and intuitive? Does the visual design delight you?
- Business Plan: Is the business sustainable? Does it have proper licensing? Is it creating staking, TVL infrastructure, other utility for XDC? (required for Phase 2 award consideration)
- Extra Points: Post your project on xdc.dev forum to introduce and share your new project with the XDC Community! Let the community know this project was a submission for the HackerEarth hackathon (#BUIDLtheFuture), what your project is about, live dApp, and other key features.