Buidl the Future: A Global Hack for Web3

5821 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
5821 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

This campaign is over.

starts on:
Oct 16, 2022, 06:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jan 10, 2023, 01:29 AM UTC (UTC)

Unstoppable Domains


Website    Discord

Unstoppable Domains is the #1 provider of NFT domains on the blockchain.

We are on a mission to return the power of the internet to people. To accomplish this, we are creating NFT domains that put you back in control of your data. These aren’t just traditional domains, these are domains with superpowers.

Login with Unstoppable:

    • Today, Web2 Apps own all user data
    • If a new application or innovation spins up, the user has to start over building their network and reputation. Users today average over 80 different usernames and passwords.
    • Login with Unstoppable is a Web3 SSO that enables users to own and permission their data during Login via NFT domains. Dapps can request information in a user-controlled, privacy-forward environment. Instead of just receiving a wallet address via typical wallet connect logins, Dapps can request on and off chain data like email, social handles, and more. Dapps can use this data to authenticate, reward, and communicate directly with their users.



Domain resolution SDKs https://docs.unstoppabledomains.com/send-and-receive-crypto-payments/resolution-libraries Resolution CLI https://docs.unstoppabledomains.com/send-and-receive-crypto-payments/resolution-cli How to resolve domains using direct blockchain call (without SDK) https://docs.unstoppabledomains.com/send-and-receive-crypto-payments/direct-blockchain-calls Crypto payments integration guide https://docs.un


Discord IDs for technical resources

  • shoaib-unstoppable#3266
  • tawnymslc#5117
  • Frog#0129
  • ToySoldi3rr#6231



    1. Integrate Login with Unstoppable ($250 bounty)
    2. Integrate Unstoppable Resolution API ($250 bounty)
    3. Write a PR for Login or Resolution to an existing Open Source dapp with users


Shortlist Criteria:-

1st, 2nd, 3rd place: Best use case for NFT Domains, best use case of Domain Resolution, UI/UX, Best use case for Login with Unstoppable data


Video Resources:-

Unstoppable Domains overview

Login Tutorial video

Login demo video

Login analytics dashboard video


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